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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

craigyferg Warms the Heart

I'd like to extend a late congratulations to Craig Ferguson for receiving the Peabody Award for his show with Desmond Tutu! I heard about the award a couple of month ago through Craig's Twitter page - I'd follow him anywhere! Remember the drunken Department Store Manager in the old Drew Carey Show? He'd stick his head out of his office now and then and give alcohol saturated orders to his staff. THAT was Craig Ferguson. Now he hosts the wildly successful Late Late Show. This particular show was re-run last night and I was so thankful to have been able to watch it.

Father Tutu is an amazing man. Whether you're into the history and his life or not, he is a sweetheart to watch. He and Craig together were almost like comic church! I learned a great deal from the show, which initially, I thought wasn't going to last long enough to communicate anything of substance, since Craig spent the first 30 minutes of his 60 minute show getting the audience ready for Desmond Tutu's visit. His guests are attending his shows for comedy - so I'm sure the time spent putting them in the right frame of mind was a very wise thing to do.

Although I would never want my blog to be more serious than Lady Gaga's Pink Lipstick, I will say this: Father Tutu was VERY excited about Obama's being elected president. Since our electing him shows that we are accepting of all races - which we should be - and willing to consider them seriously for the most powerful position in the world. That being said, what I didn't hear was what I'm sure would have come if there had been more time on the show for discussion. Knowing the type of man that Father Tutu is, I truly believe he would have said something to the effect of, Now that he's elected, he must continue to make us proud by doing a very good job. He must look out for those who elected him and for those who did not elect him but are counting on him to run their country. Now it's time for Obama to say thank you to his constituents, and move on to protecting his people, the Americans. I just KNOW that something like this is what would have been said. But it wasn't.

There were so many more things discussed by the two of them, that this particular subject may not have struck a chord with others the way it did with me. I was very captivated by the entire conversation between them as were many others.

Father Tutu is a kind and gentle soul. Craig Ferguson is a kind and gentle soul (I believe.) It was wonderful to see them laugh together and appreciate each other. They talked about caring, forgiveness and kindness. It was an outstanding show and I hope everyone gets to see it at some point.

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