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Monday, May 17, 2010

Quite a fun exercise!

Do you know how many beauty/cosmetic products you use each day when you're getting ready for work or to go out? Is the first answer that comes to your mind "10 or so?" Is the first answer that comes to your mind "Geeze, I can't even count them?" It really is quite a fun exercise!

Let's try it! I'd love to get some comments from people who have done this exercise. Men too! You'll be surprised at how many products you use each day. COUNT EVERYTHING! Soap, exfoliant, deodorant, fragrance, aftershave, each hair product, each piece of makeup! Don't leave out anything - ok, maybe don't count the wash cloth or the loofa sponge, but count EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT!

Want my total? I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours!
Tomorrow morning.....

1 comment:

  1. Wow...just went and counted...26 to 30, depends on what I am doing for makeup! Looks like I probably need to streamline my routine!
