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Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

On this picnic and water-sports friendly holiday, please remember what Memorial Day is all about. Take a little quiet time and give thanks for the freedoms that we enjoy. Remember that freedom is NEVER free and tough decisions need to be made every day by those in our Armed Forces.

We cannot always take the easy road or be politically correct when our country and freedoms are at stake. We cannot be gentle with everybody and treat our enemies as though they're no more a threat than the other sports team. We must be tough with our enemies and show them that we are serious about maintaining the integrity of what the USA is all about.

Stand up. Get informed. Get an opinion and EXPRESS it. Don't just sit there assuming our current administration has all the answers. They do not. No administration has had all the answers - ever. It's a collaborative effort and egos must never get in the way.

Our leaders must keep our country the number one priority as decisions are made. The men and women in our armed forces who have served and who are currently service know all of this. Our political leaders need to know it and act upon it as well.

WE as citizens must give our military our respect and honor them and their efforts AT ALL TIMES. They are fighting for US. For YOU and ME.

Take a minute today to appreciate that.

Thank you for allowing me my freedom of speach.

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